My experience of lockdown as a student has had its ups and downs as you would imagine. Being confined to our homes with no outside social interactions with fellow humans is tough and goes against our human nature. While a global pandemic has brought this all to a halt, I have been lucky enough to have a family that continues to support me during these uncertain times, who are always allowing me the time and space I've needed over these past months to study independently.

My knowledge and experience in exercise and health has allowed me to continue to keep my health and well-being in check. Exercise has primarily been my lifeline through these times, keeping boredom and my belly size at bay. But don't get me wrong I've had my binge eating and movie marathon days like most through these unprecedented times.

With all this said, I've kept a positive head, always looking towards the current challenge of lockdown as an adaptive learning experience that we're all faced with. As my motto goes "always live to learn, to try and fail, but most of all, keep it real".